| Depth Psychology | Neo-Freudians |
Behaviorism | Rational-Emotive Theory |
LEADER | Freud 1890s | Adler (Horney) | Skinner 1900s | Ellis |
MAN | -Instinctual animal -Id: drives -Superego: outside influences -Ego: what man thinks about himself | -Socially governed animal | -Conditioned animal -Blank tablet | -Basically good -Potential within |
PROBLEM | -Conflict between Id and Superego | -Born weak & small -Feel inferior because of our limitations determined by age 5-6 years | -Environmental failure | -Victim of flawed irrational beliefs about themselves -Rooted in childhood -Man’s belief system is the cause |
RESPONSIBILITY | -Not man’s | -Not man’s but society’s | -Not man’s (non-moral) | -Not man’s |
VIEW OF MAN’S GUILT | -Result of imposed standards from others | -Mistakes in thinking and valuing -Lack of confidence | -Not important (no evils) | -Crooked thinking: results in neurotic thinking and behaving |
TREATMENT | -Actualize potential -Strengthen the Ego -Make the unconscious conscious -Find source in insight & awareness | -Strive for superiority -Control own fate -Emphasize emotional health and importance of birth order | -Restructure environment -Client – determines what they want -Therapists – determines how it will be changed | -Eliminate self-defeating outlook on life -Acquire a rational view of life -Process of re-education -Practice actively changing self-defeating behaviors |
RESOLUTION OF MAN’S GUILT | -Cultural societal values and parents to blame | -Change thinking to feel better and behave better | -Change standard according to client’s “needs” | -Reorienting one’s thinking, judging, analyzing, doing, and re-deciding |
COUNSELOR | -Expert | -Encourager -Adapt to client’s “needs” | -Technician | -Teacher and educator -Insight emphasized |
PROBLEMS | -Unbiblical anthropology -Promotes self-absorption, narcissism -Victim mentality | -Unbiblical anthropology -Victim mentality -Pride | -Unbiblical anthropology -Manipulates through rewards & punishments -Ignores man as spiritual being -Victim mentality | -Unbiblical identification of beliefs -Substitution of therapist’s beliefs system rather than God’s Word for counselee’s belief system. |
| Third Force
| Family Systems |
Biblical |
| Rogers | Ackerman | GOD |
MAN | -Basically good -Potential within -Mature like a flower | -Product of flawed relationships in the family | -Created by God to glorify God |
PROBLEM | -Environment hinders | -System is faulty; causality circular and multi-directional -Individual is simply fulfilling a function within the system | -Fallen sinner by choice |
RESPONSIBILITY | -Not man’s | -Not man’s | -Man’s |
VIEW OF MAN’S GUILT | -Not important | -Non-pathological; simply problems in living | -Result of sin -Real |
TREATMENT | -Help him realize potential -Solution within -Focus on feeling | -System as a whole (key principle) -Focus is on the function the believer serves and removing the need in order to allow the behavior to be unnecessary -Alter how the various relationships are carried out | -Justification by faith -Progressive sanctification -Spirit and Word -Focus on objective data
RESOLUTION OF MAN’S GUILT | -Take whatever steps necessary to achieve the goal of being comfortable with oneself | -Change family relationships by differention of individual selves; the more “differentiated” the better adjusted -Reconstructive family organization -Change dysfunctional transactional patterns | -Deal with sin -Deal with trials -Deal with response |
COUNSELOR | -Mirror | -Mental health expert and cultural healer -Alters how the various relationships are carried out | -Biblical Discipler/Counselor |
PROBLEMS | -Unbiblical anthropology -Solution is within rather than in Christ -Victim mentality | -Unbiblical anthropology -Promotes irresponsibility and self-focus -Victim mentality | -NONE that can’t be overcome by God, His Word, and His obedient children |
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